You have more power to positively influence your relationship than you think.


About Me … and 3 Reasons for Hope for  Your Relationship

Instead of talking about myself, I’d like to tell you about the hope I have for you.

I’m passionate about the subject of hope when it comes to relationships because I believe many people underestimate how much hope remains. That’s not just blind optimism. It’s based on 3 common beliefs I see that mislead people into thinking there’s less hope than exists.

1. The evidence that discourages people in their relationship is often unreliable and misleading … even if it seems crystal clear. The things your partner says can’t always be taken at face value because they may be operating from a position of hurt and saying things they don’t really mean.

2. You’re not alone. If white chocolate mochas and protein shakes contained truth serum, you’d be amazed to learn how many couples you know were once close to separating … even the “perfect” couple down the street.

3. When you make a commitment to love well without excuses, you have more power to positively influence your relationship than you think!

This hope is part of the reason why I’ve made it my mission to help others improve their relationships by loving well. I look forward to talking with you and hearing your story.

What I Want for You:

First and foremost, if you and your partner love each other (or once did), I want your relationship—and your love—to have the chance it deserves to survive and thrive.

I want you to experience all of the unexpected benefits that come your way (regardless of what happens in your relationship) when you commit to loving well with no excuses.

If the future of your relationship is unclear, I want you to have as much reliable information as possible before you make any permanent decisions.

And lastly, if your current relationship doesn't last, I want you to be better prepared for your next relationship.

Book Coming Soon!

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My Approach


I'm driven by passion, creativity, and romance, but my coaching is based on a logical, problem-solving approach designed for constant improvement.

I help individuals (not couples) improve their relationships by focusing on their personal development. Our work is centered on what you can control (your mindset, focus, and goals), not on things that can distract you from your goal to love well.

My program is designed to help you love your partner well each day ... even when it's not easy. Learning to do that consistently will both a) move you closer to a better relationship and b) put you on a path filled with unexpected rewards.

Your success is determined only by you, not your partner or the state of your relationship. This keeps you motivated to continue growing and learning to love your partner better every day.

One person alone can't make a relationship successful, but you have more power to positively influence it than you think! When you take full responsibility for your 50% and love your best without excuses, you positively influence your partner and the other half of your relationship!

Love wins the moment we give it away, regardless of what we see happen next.

Is Relationship Coaching for you?

I'd love to help you achieve your goal of loving well as your personal relationship coach. Click the link below to schedule an initial strategy call at no cost.

Gift Certificates Available

Interested in giving a loved one a gift certificate for relationship coaching? Certificates may be used online, on the golf course, or on the hiking trail. Send us a note and we'll call you to discuss options.

Note: The certificate can be from you or given anonymously.

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6635 W Happy Valley Rd
Ste A104 #207
Glendale, AZ 85310

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